Hace tiempo que queria enseñaros las maravillas que hace mi madre... esta por ejemplo es una joya que me enseñó el otro día de cuando ella iba a la escuela. Son muestras que hacian en las clases de costura en aquella época, y está hecho en un lino tan tupidito que no se ni como pudo contar las hebras. Es una preciosidad.
A ver si es verdad eso de que... "de casta le viene al galgo" o... "de tal palo tal astilla"... snif!
It is been some time since I wanted to show you my mum's handwork... this for example is a jewel that she showed me the other day, from the time when she was going to school. It is a collection of samples that they used to do in the stitching lessons in that period, and it is made with a linen with such a closely-woven linen that I hardly imagine how she made it to count the threads. It is such a beauty.Let's see if it is true when they say... "like father, like son" or... "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"... snif!
Os dejo unas fotos más en detalle de los distintos tipos de bordado: canario, lagarterano, vasco, de Oropesa, colchado, de la Alpujarra, segoviano, mallorquin, de Talavera y por ultimo el deshilado de Lagartera, que es una maravilla.
Some pictures more in detail of the different types of embroidery: from Canary Islands, lagarterano, vask, from Oropesa, colchado, from the Alpujarra, segovian, from Mallorca, from talavera and finally the deshilado of Lagartera, which is really beautiful.